Japan AGMF Relief Efforts

Japan AGMF stands for Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship and is made up of AGWM (Assemblies of God World Missions) missionaries serving in Japan. There are 31 missionaries and all have been accounted for during this time.

Give to JAPAN DISASTER RELIEF at the Assemblies of God website.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Update on the Fukushima Nuclear Plant Situation

CNN posted the following article on the current situation at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant reactors in Japan.

To summarize reactor by reactor:
Reactor 1 is stable and temperatures are dropping.
Reactor 2 is still leaking radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean while other conditions are stable.
Reactor 3 is stable but will be put out of service due to the fact that it was the source of a plutonium leak.
Reactor 4 was offline when the earthquake occurred but has had problems with the cooling pond of spent nuclear fuel. There have been repeated efforts to pour water onto the structure.
Reactors 5 and 6 were offline and are in "cold shutdown."

Please continue to pray for the workers there to stabilize the reactors completely. They need God's supernatural wisdom and intervention.

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